Derya Ozdemir Kaya and Marianna Fotaki are researching what is going wrong in the UK care home sector and why it has reached breaking point.
Formerly the Organising Health Research Network, the Applied (Health) Research Centre West Midlands is a research grouping concerned with impact policy and organisational practice, commonly through empirical health and social care studies, supported by large scale funding.
Current projects include:
NIHR Applied (Health) Research Centre (ARC) West Midlands - Implementation Theme, hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (£1.1 million, Currie, Swan, Oborn, Burgess)
ESRC Exploring Innovations in Transition to Adulthood (EXIT Study) (£1.63 million, Currie, Swan)
Health Foundation Evaluation of Virginia Mason Initiative (£400,000, Burgess, Currie, Crump)
Suite of projects under the Warwick-Monash-Alliance (WMA) Healthcare Improvement Partnership, most recently NHMRC award for ‘Women into Leadership in Healthcare’ ($Aus 5 million, Currie, Crump)
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded research on new care models for the homeless (£118,000, Swan, Currie).
Centre Director: Professor Graeme Currie.
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